The True Romance Rose Bouquet


Roses have long been recognized as the universal symbol of love, spanning centuries of romantic gestures. In the past, a single red rose was enough to convey one's affection to their beloved. Small acts of love included slipping a rose into their sweetheart's notebook or novel, letting them know tha[...]

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The True Romance Rose Bouquet

Roses have long been recognized as the universal symbol of love, spanning centuries of romantic gestures. In the past, a single red rose was enough to convey one's affection to their beloved. Small acts of love included slipping a rose into their sweetheart's notebook or novel, letting them know tha[...]
Order B19-4387 Sale $119.95 Add To Cart

Roses have long been recognized as the universal symbol of love, spanning centuries of romantic gestures. In the past, a single red rose was enough to convey one's affection to their beloved. Small acts of love included slipping a rose into their sweetheart's notebook or novel, letting them know tha[...]

Roses have long been recognized as the universal symbol of love, spanning centuries of romantic gestures. In the past, a single red rose was enough to convey one's affection to their beloved. Small acts of love included slipping a rose into their sweetheart's notebook or novel, letting them know that someone out there loves them.

If you find yourself too shy to express your feelings to the girl you see every day at school, fear not! Our special 'True Romance Rose Bouquet' can speak volumes on your behalf. No words are necessary when you send this beautiful bouquet to her doorstep. It is the perfect way to express your love and admiration without saying a word.

Our bouquet is not your typical cliched red roses. We want your loved one to feel special and valued, so we've combined three different colors of roses - light pink, fuchsia, and red - to create a stunning arrangement. The roses are surrounded by lush greenery, which enhances their beauty and makes them stand out even more. The bouquet is elegantly arranged in a clear glass vase so that your loved one can appreciate its beauty.

At Local Florist Delivery, we offer same-day delivery, so you can surprise your loved one with this gorgeous bouquet whenever you want. Don't hesitate to show your love and appreciation - order our 'True Romance Rose Bouquet' today!

Item No. B19-4387

Price: $119.95

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